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Windows93 Adventure DX (gbc)
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Windows93 Adventure DX (gbc)

More than a deluxe version, this update of Windows 93 Adventure Classic is almost a brand new game. The gameboy visual novel concept is still there, but the massive addition of features pushes the fourth wall even further, making this color version an even more meta experience with surprising replayability. Will you find the loot before the other players?
New features
- Serial number (each rom is unique)
- Full Color
- New graphics
- New animations
- New music
- New easter eggs
- Mini games
- Save feature
- Link feature (battle mode)
- Quest system
- Super Game Boy mode
- Working operating system
- Sound looper
- Paint app
- Lenna.jpg
- Clippy.exe
- & much more…
Jankenpopp (2022)
Original Game Boy & compatibles models
Limited edition
This is a pre-order, the series will be manufactured in November and delivered in December 2022, before Christmas.